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Natural Paving Pavers: Enriching Your Environment

Natural Paving Pavers: Enriching Your Environment
Why Natural Paving?  

Natural Paving not only looks good, but it is a system designed to help protect the environment. Whether you’re working on a commercial application, or landscaping your home, Natural Paving has significant environmental and economic benefits. 

Natural Paving are what we call a Permeable Paving system. Used commercially for Low Impact Development, permeable paving creates opportunities to mitigate the impacts of urbanisation on receiving water systems such as stormwater drains by providing ‘at source treatment’ and management of stormwater. Commercially, Permeable Paving systems have been applied in parking lots, low-density traffic lanes and pedestrian pathways, but although they have practical commercial benefits, those same benefits can be applied to your projects at home. 


During light to medium rain, water seeps through Natural Paving permeable pebble surface. Any dirt, minerals or pollutants are filtered via the bonded geotextile. The cleaned water collects within the base course and bedding layer, where the geotextile (such as SureTex) stops excess water from eroding the underlying soil by moderating the amount of water seeping through. This helps nourish the earth without damaging it. As a bonus, permeable pavement systems designed with an uncompacted subbase and a gravel base actively encourage surrounding plant growth. 

During long-term consistent or heavy rain, however, Natural Paving acts as an ‘at source’ filter for stormwater drains by directing excess rainwater straight to drainpipes without sending it through soil/clay areas. If your lawn, your driveway, or any parking areas were built directly onto the soil layer, water would collect sediment as it feeds into your drainage system. By installing Natural Paving, you’ll help keep stormwater drainage free of silt collection. 

Natural Paving increases the volume of locally managed stormwater through subsurface storage and, where possible and environmentally safe, groundwater recharge. This, in turn, also aids natural processes that prevent unhealthy stream systems, risks to public safety, property damage, and degradation of surface and subsurface drinking water sources. Natural Paving ability to absorb moisture is also beneficial in the summertime as it can lessen the temperature around your home.    

Economically, due to the easy management of the Natural Paving System, you’ll save time and money by not having to repair damaged pathways, driveways, and grassed areas. Natural Paving is also easy to install. With only seven steps to follow, creating eco-friendly paving is as simple as this:  

  • Excavate the area to form sub grade at a depth suitable for your pavement  
  • Lay the base course on top of the geotextile   
  • Install the edging required around your paved area  
  • Lay a layer of bedding material on the compacted based course  
  • Lay the Natural Paving pavers
  • Spread the pebbles onto the pavers and spread with a rake   
  • If the pebbles settle, add sufficient pebbles to hide the Natural Paving pavers  

By installing Natural Paving, you’re implementing a permeable paving system that is both kind to your local environment and helps create a safe environment for all those around you. To find out more about the benefits of Natural Paving, click here.   

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